Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

31 May 2023

Jeremy Rockliff, Minister for Health

Vision for St John’s Park Health and Wellbeing Precinct released

St John’s Park in New Town is set to be transformed into a contemporary Health and Wellbeing Precinct as part of the 30-year Royal Hobart Hospital redevelopment.

A draft masterplan has been released for public consultation and outlines the Tasmanian Liberal Government’s vision for the Precinct which will see the expansion of mental health, subacute and community-based services to meet future demand.

The Precinct will provide mental health, alcohol and drug services, palliative care, rehabilitation, and geriatric evaluation and management services in new purpose-built and refurbished facilities.

We have already begun work on a new 15-bed mental health facility with an integration hub to bring together a range of care and support services, as well as a twelve-bed residential eating disorders treatment centre. Tenders have just been released, and construction for this facility is set to commence this year.

As well as providing expanded health services, the site will be revitalised to include more car parking, walking paths, and unique green spaces for the community. 

Stage 3 of the RHH redevelopment previously proposed the redevelopment of the Repatriation Hospital as a second campus of the RHH, which could provide a range of services including mental health and subacute care.

Following further planning, St John’s Park has been identified as a more appropriate option as it provides greater opportunities for future development and expansion.

The St John’s Park site enables connectivity, safety, efficiency, and improved operational relationships through the co-location of services.

Importantly, construction can commence at the site while other health services at the RHH and the Repatriation Hospital sites are maintained, preventing any disruption to patients using these services.

Premier and Minister for Health, Jeremy Rockliff said the St John’s Park Precinct will lift Tasmanian health services into the 21st century while preserving the significant cultural and built heritage values of the area.

“The masterplan is a 20-year blueprint and will see the revitalisation of the site into a contemporary health care campus for Tasmanians,” the Premier said.

“The Tasmanian Liberal Government is investing a record $12.1 billion into health over the next four years, including $682.9 million to build and upgrade new hospitals and health infrastructure.

“The 2023-24 Tasmanian Budget includes $2 million to finalise the development of this blueprint so that we can deliver this once-in-a-generation Precinct and ensure all Tasmanians can get the right support for their needs at the right place and at the right time.”

Consultation with stakeholders, consumers and community members will now commence and Tasmanians can have their say by visiting

The St John’s Park Health and Wellbeing Precinct forms part of the Royal Hobart Hospital Masterplan 2020-2050.

Photos and video are available here.

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