Minister for Infrastructure
Minister for Local Government
Kerry Vincent is the Liberal Member for Prosser in the Legislative Council.
Respected as having a demonstrated commitment to community, Kerry Vincent is driven by a passion and vision for regional areas of Tasmania.
Kerry has served as Mayor of Sorell for the past 12 years and has been a strong advocate for improved infrastructure and services that rural and regional Tasmanians need and deserve.
Kerry is a firm believer in ensuring that small businesses have the support from all levels of government to succeed. His background in business has given him a clear understanding of how vital regional businesses are in supporting jobs and economic growth across Tasmania. This passion has seen him play an instrumental role in establishing Regional Jobs Hubs right around Tasmania.
Kerry has also held a number of positions within his community, including with Rotary, the Sorell Business Association, South East Region Development Association, Bushfire Recovery Taskforces, Copping Waste Authority, Southern Tasmanian Regional Waste Authority, and as Founding Chair of the community bank in Sorell.
One of Kerry’s proudest achievements has been his work serving on the board of South Eastern Community Care for the past 11 years, ensuring that NDIS recipients and the elderly can live independently in their own home and thrive in their local communities.
Kerry’s vast experience and ability to work with all levels of government and the community will deliver real outcomes for Prosser.
Ministerial Charter Letter
The Ministerial Charter Letter commits Ministers to upholding the highest of standards of public office and delivering every element of our 2030 Strong Plan for Tasmania’s Future. The Charter outlines the priorities of each Minister that will drive their actions and decisions.
Email: kerry.vincent@parliament.tas.gov.au
Phone: (03) 6212 2101
Hobart Office
Level 1, 7 – 9 Franklin Wharf
Phone: (03) 6166 9402
Electorate Office
Shop 1/31 Cole Street
Sorell TAS 7172
Phone: (03) 6212 2101