Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

4 October 2021

Jeremy Rockliff, Acting Premier

Further information on confirmed COVID case

The number one priority of the Tasmanian Government is to keep Tasmanians safe.

We have a thorough process of interviewing confirmed COVID cases and close contacts. This process often involves conversations over multiple days to ensure we have all relevant information.

It is through this interview process that we have become aware today of additional movements of the 15 year-old Tasmanian resident who returned a positive COVID test on Saturday, and close family members with whom he had contact.

I am advised that the 15 year-old left home quarantine on Saturday 2 October and travelled with a family member to the IGA Xpress at 113 George Town Road, Newnham.

Whilst the pair were only in the shop for a few minutes, out of an abundance of caution, we are declaring the IGA as an exposure site with an exposure window between 2.20pm to 2.45pm on Saturday 2 October.

Check-in TAS data is being used to identify anyone who visited during this timeframe, and they will be advised to self-isolate and book a test.

Further, if anyone has concerns they may have been at the IGA during the exposure window, they are advised to self-isolate and contact the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738.

The shopkeeper who served the pair has been identified as a close contact and is now in quarantine.

We have also identified another two contacts who on the Friday night came into the household where the 15 year-old and family members were quarantining.

These additional contacts are also now in hotel quarantine and are being tested.

Anyone in the Newnham area, and wider Launceston community, who experiences any symptoms over the coming week, is urged to book a COVID test. Additional testing capacity is in place.

This is an important reminder that COVID-19 remains, and will continue to remain, a risk to our State, our community and our families.

Our greatest weapon to reduce the risk to all of us is vaccination.

I once again appeal to everyone to get vaccinated; get tested if you have even the mildest symptoms; and remember to always practice COVID-safe behaviours.

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