Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

30 November 2023

Dean Young,

What about David??

It isn't fair.

After spending the week dusting out the candidate cupboard of all-too-familiar faces and unionists, Ms White’s merry band of socialists has a notable omission.

Despite splaying the State with candidates right, far left and not so much centre, there’s no word on the elephant in the room, Mr O’Byrne.

With an election not due until 2025, Ms White’s rush to deploy candidates must be seen for what it is, a cheap attempt of shoring up her own leadership with the political killing season approaching.

The one question remaining is will Mr O’Byrne make his return by stealth, or will he force a move, with the assistance of his friends in Canberra?

Whatever the answer, Tasmanians continue to be the losers from having an anti-Tasmanian Labor Party that is relentlessly negative and hopelessly divided.

In stark comparison, the Rockliff Liberal Government will continue getting on with the things that actually matter, building homes, creating jobs and helping Tasmanians put food on the table for their families.

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