Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

31 August 2023

Jeremy Rockliff, Premier and Minister for State Development, Trade and the Antarctic - - Nick Duigan, Liberal Member for Windermere and Parliamentary Secretary for the Tamar Estuary,

Tamar Estuary vision gets underway

The next stage of the revitalisation of the upper reaches of the Tamar Estuary is set to kick off with the release of the Tamar Estuary Vision Implementation Plan.

The Implementation Plan has over $150 million in funding commitments from multiple partners, with the Tasmanian Government committing $50 million.

Premier and Minister for State Development, Trade and the Antarctic, Jeremy Rockliff, said the plan by the Tamar Estuary Management Taskforce would improve the long-term health of the estuary and transform the area into an attractive destination for people.

“This plan has gone through 12 months of development and extensive public consultation since the Taskforce released its overarching vision for the estuary,” Premier Rockliff said.

“It sets the direction for the long-term recreational, community and cultural use of the upper estuary, with the first phase of this work being implemented over the next five years.

“It provides for a mix of infrastructure including a new pontoon, revegetation and boardwalks, and trial wetlands as the best way to rehabilitate the estuary for the long-term and create better accessibility to the water way.”

Liberal Member for Windermere and Parliamentary Secretary for the Tamar Estuary Nick Duigan said the Rockliff Liberal Government is backing this plan with $2.4 million in seed-funding to start priority works.

“This includes planning for the major boardwalk and infrastructure projects and the design of the newly proposed pontoon,” Mr Duigan said.

“We’ll also get clean-up activities along the edges of the estuary and weed management underway and start work on a master plan for the recreational areas and boardwalks.

“Importantly, it will also cover a trial revegetation project in the North Esk, between Charles Street and Tamar Street bridges, which I think everyone will be excited to see happening.

“I’m pleased to also confirm that the Taskforce will also be opening up further consultation as future stages of the project and implementation plan are developed and this is important because we want to community to feel ownership of this area,” Mr Duigan said.

The Tamar Estuary Vision Implementation Plan is available at

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