Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

9 November 2021

Peter Gutwein, Premier

Stadiums Tasmania Bill passes Lower House

The establishment of Stadiums Tasmania is one step closer following the passing of the Stadiums Tasmania Bill 2021 through the House of Assembly.

Tasmania’s major stadiums are some of our most important assets for our economy, for the community, and for the Tasmanian way of life and this is an important part of the plan we took to the election to secure Tasmania’s future.

The Bill establishes a new statutory authority with specific responsibility for overseeing Tasmania’s major stadiums and to maximise the economic and social benefits they deliver.

The establishment of Stadiums Tasmania will work to centralise the ownership, management and future capital development of our major stadiums under a single entity, ensuring each stadium operates effectively and efficiently and continues to meet the needs of sporting codes and competitions, the community, other users and audiences.

I now look forward to the Bill’s passage through the Legislative Council.

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