Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

4 November 2020

Michael Ferguson, Minister for Finance

No real plan, just more copycat from Lazy Labor

In her embarrassing attempt to gain attention in the North-West, Rebecca White hasn’t even bothered to come up with anything new or original.

Instead of producing an actual plan or committing to release an Alternative Budget, Ms White and Labor are simply cherry picking projects the Liberal Government has already announced and funded, including the Bass Highway upgrades, Coastal Pathway, Cradle Mountain redevelopment and the Next Iconic Walk!

And the Government welcomes Labor’s belated support for our Buy Tasmanian and red tape reduction policies, more proof they have absolutely no ideas of their own.

Tasmanians are fed up with Labor’s relentless complaining and thought bubbles – they can’t be taken seriously.

The question remains: will Rebecca White and Labor commit to releasing a fully costed and funded Alternative Budget this year?

That would actually be a first.

More Media Releases from Michael Ferguson

More Media Releases from the Minister for Finance