Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

29 September 2022

Michael Ferguson, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

Mobile speed cameras: now enforcing speed limits in Tasmania

The danger of speeding on our roads can’t be denied yet we continue to see drivers ignoring the rules, so we are increasing enforcement with our new fleet of mobile speed cameras.

These mobile speed cameras have been tested at locations all around the State in a range of Tasmanian operating conditions and now they are being rolled out to enforce speed limits.

Mobile speed cameras will not only penalise those who choose to break the rules and ignore our speed limits, they will also deter other reckless behaviour by increasing the enforcement presence on our roads.

From 30 September 2022, (today) motorists detected speeding by the cameras will be hit with a fine of up to $1,041 and 6 demerit points, depending on how much they are exceeding the limit by.

Mobile speed cameras can be anywhere at any time. They can be on rural roads, urban city centres, high speed roads, and even around school zones.

These new mobile speed cameras can detect motorists in multiple lanes travelling either towards or away from the camera.

It doesn’t matter what vehicle you drive or ride. It doesn’t matter if you are in the furthest lane from the camera or the closest one.

If you are speeding, you will be caught. Over is Over.

We simply ask every motorist to slow down and obey the speed limit. Do the right thing and it won’t cost you anything.

We remain serious about road safety and now that we have deployed these mobile speed cameras we won’t be stopping here. Next year we’ll be trialling new technology including mobile phone, seatbelt, and average speed enforcement.

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is investing $9.3 million over three years into this vital technology, in addition to our ongoing investment in road safety to save Tasmanian lives.

More Media Releases from Michael Ferguson

More Media Releases from the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport