Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

11 November 2021

Guy Barnett, Minister for Primary Industries and Water

Applications open for carbon farming support initiatives

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is supporting farmers to improve land management and diversify income streams through carbon farming and participating in the carbon credits market.

Applications are now open for the $250,000 Carbon Farming Advice Rebate pilot program which aligns with the now expanded Landcare Action Grants program, to include carbon farming.

Under the Carbon Farming Advice Rebate Pilot program, primary producers will be able to claim a rebate of up to $10,000 for advice sought about the costs and benefits of accessing carbon credits, auditing requirements and on-ground actions that are eligible for carbon credits.

Delivering on our 2021 election commitment, the Landcare Action Grants program will continue until 2025 following an additional investment of $900,000 and will be expanded to provide grant funding for on-ground works needed to access the carbon credit market.

Importantly, landholders will still be able to apply for funding for sustainable agriculture and river care activities as well.

Landcare Tasmania and the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association will continue to administer the Landcare Action Grants program. A total of $530,000 is available in this grant round, with grants up to $10,000 per applicant.

Workshops to help landholders better understand the carbon credit market and how to access support to develop carbon farming initiatives have begun, with more than 40 people attending a recent online session, and a workshop held this week.

More carbon farming workshops will be held early next year to help landholders learn how to calculate their on-farm emissions and participate in the market.

This strategy complements the Tasmanian Government’s commitment to take advantage of our world-leading net zero emissions profile and 100 per cent self-sufficiency in renewable energy and to legislate a nation-leading target of net zero emissions from 2030 while we grow our economy and create jobs.

For Carbon Farming Advice Rebate pilot program and workshops information, go to

Landcare Action Grants information is at

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