Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

7 March 2022

Jeremy Rockliff, Minister for Health

Ida West Aboriginal Health Scholarship

Nine students across nursing, medicine, and paramedic courses have been awarded a 2022 Ida West Aboriginal Health Scholarship.

The recipients range from first to final year students who are studying across several different institutions including University of Tasmania and TasTAFE.

The scholarships, which are up to a maximum of $5000, support Aboriginal students undertaking education in a health and human services-related field.

This support helps students to achieve their study goals and helps to address the under-representation of Aboriginal people working across health and human services.

Since the scholarship’s inception in 2004, 29 students have been supported to study nursing, medicine, paramedicine, allied health qualifications, and Aboriginal health and community services.

The Department of Health has extended funding to allow for additional scholarships in 2022 under its Health Workforce 2040 Strategy.

The Ida West Aboriginal Health Scholarship pays tribute to the work and life of Aunty Ida who passed away in September 2003.

Aunty Ida is recognised as a generous contributor and tireless worker within the Aboriginal community and especially for the significant contribution she made to social justice and reconciliation in Tasmania and nationally.

The 2022 Ida West Aboriginal Health Scholarships will be celebrated at a presentation ceremony in Hobart on 3 May 2022.

Further information regarding the Scholarship can be accessed from or by calling the Office of the Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer 03 6166 1570 during business hours.

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