Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

24 September 2023

Nic Street, Minister for Sport and Recreation

Grassroots sporting grants open right now which seems news to Labor

Tasmanians are lining up to get involved in community sport and the Rockliff Liberal Government is working hard to deliver more fit-for-purpose courts, fields and change rooms right around the State.

Minister for Sport and Recreation, Nic Street, said the Liberal Government’s $10 million commitment to upgrade Kingborough (Lightwood Park), Launceston (Birch Avenue and Churchill Park) and Devonport (Valley Road) soccer facilities will deliver new and improved facilities for both men and women. 

“This support was to deliver improvements to have them ready to host basecamps for the FIFA women’s world cup, but to our disappointment FIFA didn’t include Tasmania in their final mix,” he said. 

“More than $2 million has been provided to football clubs around the State under the Levelling the Playing Field Grants Program over the past 4 years to improve female facilities, and through Improving the Playing Field we have invested over another $1 million. 

“We have announced $10 million into the Active Infrastructure Grants Program, which enables clubs like South Hobart to apply for funding to improve their own facilities.

“We are undertaking a whole-of-state sporting facility audit so we know where investment strategically needs to go. 

“Labor seem to stand for nothing other than attacking this Government. They are incapable of offering any new ideas or any real vision. 

“Their only sports-related thought-bubble to date has been to copycat the Government’s existing programs. 

“If Labor were serious about improving opportunities for women in sport, they would back new major sporting infrastructure like a stadium which will benefit Tasmanians involved in sport. 

“We are getting on with building and delivering new infrastructure, unlike Labor who spend their time loitering on the sidelines and when they do get a moment on the field, they are focused on kicking their own goals, and none for Tasmania."

More Media Releases from Nic Street

More Media Releases from the Minister for Sport and Recreation