Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

5 June 2022

Guy Barnett, Minister for State Development, Construction and Housing

Federal Labor must take immediate action on housing, homelessness

The Tasmanian Liberal Government recognises strong market conditions have dramatically driven up house and rental prices and that’s why we are investing in an unprecedented 10-year $1.5 billion investment in affordable housing.

The 2022-23 Budget and forward estimates provide $538 million in capital investment into social and affordable housing and homelessness initiatives, with $204 million this year alone.

While our economy and housing markets are strong, we also know that many Tasmanians are still doing it tough and there is more work to do.

That’s why we are also investing over $36 million on wrap-around services to ensure those who need help now are getting the services they need. This includes funding for 17 existing Specialist Homelessness Services including Housing Connect Front Door and Support as well as crisis shelters and supported accommodation

But it is also crucial that the new Australian Government and the Tasmanian-based Minister for Housing and Homelessness, Julie Collins, steps up and takes immediate action.

One of the most pressing issues is the winding up of the Federal Government’s National Rental Affordability Scheme(NRAS)  which continues to cause a great deal of anxiety for some Tasmanians. This is a Federal scheme so its future rests with Federal Labor.

The Tasmanian Government is doing what it can to work with impacted residents to provide assistance through state-run initiatives like the Private Rental Incentive Program.

However, Minister Collins must step up and help find an ongoing solution for the remaining Tasmanians due to exit NRAS.

Our Government continues to step in for Federal Labor in order to prevent Tasmanians from ending up on the street, but it is time Ms Collins takes action to support vulnerable community members and find a solution.

Federal Labor cannot wash its hand of responsibility just because they are new to Government, they have been elected to take charge and take action.

More Media Releases from Guy Barnett

More Media Releases from the Minister for State Development, Construction and Housing