Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

1 September 2022

Michael Ferguson, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

East Derwent Highway duplication nears completion

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is building safer and more efficient roads all around our State.

I’m very pleased to see work is nearing completion on a project to duplicate the East Derwent Highway between Golf Links Road and Sugarloaf Road with traffic lights at an upgraded intersection with Clinton Road about to come into operation.

The project is partly funded through the Tasmanian Liberal Government’s $40 million commitment to road and bridge infrastructure under the COVID-19 economic stimulus package.

Tasmanian company Andrew Walter Constructions started work on the project in March 2021 under a $14.7 million contract, which includes widening this section of the highway to two lanes in each direction and upgrading the Clinton Road intersection.

The intersection upgrade involved realigning Clinton Road and Dumbarton Drive and installing traffic signals, which will greatly improve safety at this busy junction.

The realignments have been completed and final testing of the signals is underway, with the signals to come into operation in the first week of September (weather permitting).

The upgraded intersection also provides access to a new, safer route to Lindisfarne North Primary School for those travelling from the north.

The highway duplication will create a consistent dual carriageway from the Tasman Bridge off ramp at Rose Bay to Grass Tree Hill Road roundabout at Risdon Vale, reducing delays caused by merging traffic, and making journeys safer and travel times more predictable.

The dual lanes will also make it easier and safer to turn left into the school for vehicles travelling from the south by removing the need for vehicles to merge near the school entry and lengthening the entry lane into the school.

We are now in the final phase of the lane duplication with work underway to complete the centre lanes and median. The project is on track for completion with all four lanes open to traffic in early October which is great for the local community.

The project is providing 50 full-time jobs and work for 120 subcontractors who have been engaged during construction.

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