Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

1 April 2022

Jeremy Rockliff, Deputy Premier

Nic Street, Minister for Community Services and Development

Delivering more support for vulnerable Tasmanians on the North West

The launch of Gran’s Van’s new food van, mobile laundry, and shower trailer will provide significant support for vulnerable Tasmanians in need and living on the North-West.

The free service which will operate throughout the day will offer shower and laundry facilities for homeless Tasmanians.

The space will also host a small meeting room where professional services are able to be offered or provided.

In collaboration with Action Against Homelessness and the Devonport City Council, Gran’s Van has brought their idea into a reality through its advocacy and fundraising.

As a Government, we are proud to have committed $180,000 in funding to the Gran’s Van Association over three years to operate this service, which includes this new van.

Since its establishment in 2006 - 16 years ago - Gran's Van has served more than 34,000 meals to Tasmanians in need around the Devonport area.

The supportive local community members have donated countless numbers of sleeping bags, blankets, beanies, socks, jumpers, and jackets, which Gran’s Van has distributed to people in need.

This is a testament to the North West community which never fails to rally together and deliver grass-roots action to help those in need.

Such vital organisations delivering emergency relief also build strong networks within their local communities, assisting individuals to access the basics, and build resilience.

Indeed, it might be a conversation at Gran’s Van that helps an individual build a path that can empower them, and maybe even change their life.

It is connections such as this that help us build stronger communities, to build a stronger Tasmania.

The Tasmanian Government acknowledges the support for this project from Fairbrother, the Devonport City Council, Degree C, Penguin Composites, and Loaves and Fishes Tasmania.

On behalf of the Tasmanian Government, we thank the team at Gran’s Van and all community service providers, including their dedicated volunteers, for their ongoing commitment to supporting those who need it most.

Today is yet another demonstration of how community providers connect and collaborate with each other, working together to share experiences, knowledge, and logistics, providing better support to those in need.

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