Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

30 August 2022

Felix Ellis, Minister for Resources

Celebrating our sustainable forestry industry

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is the strongest supporter of our forestry sector and we are committed its continued growth.

Today, on the inaugural National Forestry Day, we can celebrate the incredible contribution of Tasmania’s forestry industry.

The forestry sector in Tasmania supports more than 5,700 direct and indirect jobs, many of which are in our rural and regional communities.

Our forestry industry delivers a wide range of renewable products which are essential to the community.

These include sawn timber, veneer, flooring, our beautiful special species craft timbers, and paper products.

The industry is an important supplier of timber, plywood and engineered timber for Tasmania and Australia’s housing and construction markets.

Sustainable forestry is also part of the climate change solution.

Tasmania is home to a large productive native and plantation forest estate that stores carbon and provides low emission, renewable products.

I congratulate the Australian Forest Products Association and Tasmanian Forest Products Association on initiating the National Forestry Day and providing this opportunity to celebrate the importance of the local industry.

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