Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

11 March 2022

, Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management

22 new police officers join the ranks

Tasmania Police numbers have again been bolstered with 22 new constables sworn in at the Police Academy today, as part of the Tasmanian Liberal Government’s plan to keep Tasmanians safe.

These 9 women and 13 men have completed 31 weeks of intensive training including road policing, scenario-based training, investigations and operational skills.

Importantly, our new constables will be stationed in three locations across Tasmania, with 10 in Hobart, 6 in Launceston and 6 in Burnie.  

The Tasmanian Liberal Government has been rebuilding police numbers since coming to Government, through recruiting 308 additional police officers, which is a 30 per cent increase to ensure that Tasmanians continue to remain safe.

A career with Tasmania Police is highly rewarding, with officers highly regarded and respected within our community for the invaluable and life-changing work they undertake.

I would like to congratulate all of our graduating constables today, and wish them well as they embark on a rewarding career to serve and protect the Tasmanian community.

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