Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

17 March 2021

, Minister for Health

Vaccinating Tasmanians

Tasmanians have done a brilliant job working together to help keep on top of COVID and can be reassured that when a GP practice or State Clinic is ready to take bookings, you will know either through your GP or through Tasmanian Government communications.

Unfortunately, incorrect information about participating GP clinics has been released today which has led to unnecessary frustration for both patients and our GPs.

I raised my concerns with the Federal Minister earlier today, and I have been assured the confusion is being addressed, with clarity being provided to GP practices that they may choose to limit vaccinations to only their existing patients, if they wish.

As we work to roll out the vaccination to our entire adult population, we will continue to provide regular updates and information on how to get vaccinated, when it’s your turn.

This roll-out will take many months and will be a partnership between the State Government and GPs for Phase 1A and 1B, with community pharmacists also playing a role in Phase 2.

Phase 1B is for the following people; people aged 70+ years, remaining health care workers, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adults, adults with underlying medical conditions and critical and high-risk workers.

To find out which phase you will be in, head to

We will work together to ensure that no matter where you live in Tasmania, you will have access to the vaccination. As we slowly ramp up the roll out, please be patient and wait for a clinic close to you to be announced as being ready to provide vaccinations.

If you are in Phase 2A and 2B there is nothing you need to do now. Your phase will begin later in the year.

If you are in Phase 1B, you are in a group with 180,000 other Tasmanians who will get your vaccination over the coming months. There will be plenty of time to get vaccinated, at either your GP or at a State Government clinic. When there is capacity in your local area, you will be provided with information on how to book and where to go.

Please don’t be worried if you don’t have a usual GP. The State Government will ensure that there will be opportunities in your local community and we will give you plenty of time to book. The first of these will be opening next week at Kingston, Brighton, New Norfolk and Launceston. Booking arrangements for these clinics will be communicated soon.

Also, it's very important to remember, no matter where you have your COVID vaccination, it will be free.

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