Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

14 March 2021

Elise Archer, Liberal Member for Clark

New mural unveiled at Claremont RSL

It was my pleasure to officially unveil a special and moving mural today at the Claremont RSL Sub Branch.

The Claremont RSL Sub Branch commissioned artist, Andrew Baird, to produce a mural that depicts Australia’s involvement in conflicts and peacekeeping activities from the Boer War to the present day.

To help fund the new mural, the Claremont RSL Sub Branch successfully acquired a grant through the Teddy Sheean VC Memorial Grants Program 2020-2021, which is administered by the Department of Communities Tasmania. 

The mural has generated significant interest amongst RSL members and the broader community, and I particularly congratulate Claremont RSL President, Jason O'Dowd and his Committee members, for such a wonderful initiative. 

Artist Andrew Baird has certainly captured the emotion of these conflicts in a detailed and thought provoking manner. Lest we forget.

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