Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

13 May 2021

Elise Archer, Attorney-General

Commission of Inquiry progress welcome

Today the Commission of Inquiry into the Tasmanian Government’s Responses to Child Sexual Abuse in Institutional Settings reached an important milestone, with the President and Commissioners providing an update on the next steps for this important inquiry.

I thank the President and Commissioners for agreeing to undertake this important role. We are fortunate to have such skills and experience leading this Commission of Inquiry.

This is difficult but crucial work and demonstrates how serious the Tasmanian Government is about addressing the issue of Child Sexual Abuse and shining a light on these matters.

There is nothing more important than ensuring the vulnerable in our community are protected and we recognise the extraordinary courage it takes for someone to come forward and report sexual abuse. 

A new website will go live later today and will include guidance on how to make a submission to the Commission of Inquiry, and the support services available. It can be found at:

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