Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

25 June 2021

Jeremy Rockliff, Minister for Community Services and Development

Building a more inclusive and connected Tasmania

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is committed to ensuring LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians, their friends and families are included and have equal opportunity to participate in and contribute to Tasmania’s social, political, economic and cultural life.

To ensure Tasmanian Government services continue to be inclusive and remain relevant for LGBTIQ+ communities, a new whole-of-government framework for LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians will ensure LGBTIQ+ Tasmanians have equal access to Government programs and services.

Today, I met with the LGBTIQ+ Whole of Government Reference Group, where we discussed the development of our new framework, as committed to in our first 100 day plan.

I thank everyone who gave their valuable insights into their experiences and for helping to ensure their views and voices are heard and represented, which will help ensure Tasmanian Government services are inclusive and accessible.

As well, our LGBTIQ+ Grants Program funds projects that support inclusion, connection, participation, resilience and diversity. While I recently announced the recipients of this Grant Program for 2021, it is great that we have increased the total funding pool to $210,000 over three years from 2022, enabling us to support more initiatives to promote inclusion and diversity.

The Tasmanian Liberal Government will continue to work with communities to recognise and treat all Tasmanians with dignity and respect – regardless of their relationship status, sexuality, gender identity or intersex characteristics.

For more information on supports and services for LGBTQI+ Tasmanians got to

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