Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

15 July 2021

, Minister for Parks

Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area Values Assessment

The Tasmanian Government has received a final cultural values assessment into allowing off-road vehicle access to tracks within the Arthur-Pieman Conservation Area (APCA) – tracks 501, 503 and 601.

This assessment is a requirement of the Australian Government under the Commonwealth Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) to re-open identified tracks for this type of recreational use.

The Tasmanian Government has today presented the report to the APCA Management Committee.

The report identifies that cultural heritage remains a significant impediment to reopening the tracks.

The Government’s priority has always been the need to protect the significant cultural and natural values within the APCA, while allowing Tasmanians to fish, camp and explore the landscape.

The Government recognises the importance of recreational off-road vehicle access to many in the Tasmanian community and is committed to working with them to develop further opportunities on the West Coast.

That is why the Tasmanian Government will invest significantly into facilities and other improvements for those who enjoy exploring the rugged and magnificent West Coast.

We will consult with the key stakeholders in relation to where the investment should be targeted in coming weeks. The types of works that will be considered include:

*Improving the existing roads and open tracks in the region;
*Providing much needed campgrounds and amenities; and
*Developing new facilities or developing tracks outside of the Western Tasmania Aboriginal Cultural Landscape (WTACL).

More information about the APCA and the Cultural Heritage Report can be found on the DPIPWE website:

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