Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

25 February 2023

Jeremy Rockliff, Premier
Minister for Health

Tasmania leading the charge on national reforms

Premier and Health Minister, Jeremy Rockliff, has pledged his commitment to leading national reform that will improve the management of complaints and decision-making processes relating to sexual misconduct by health practitioners.

The Premier, together with the Federal Minister for Health, Mark Butler, and the CEO of Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (Ahpra) yesterday presented a joint proposal to all Health Ministers that focuses on progressing urgent changes to further protect patients and consumers.

In the interests of patients, the proposed reforms aim to improve the information available regarding sexual misconduct by a health practitioner, and improve the way confirmed boundary violations by health professionals are managed.

Importantly, it will ensure that the consumer and community voice is better represented in decision-making regarding alleged or confirmed sexual misconduct.

Premier and Minister for Health, Jeremy Rockliff acknowledged that a power imbalance exists between a patient seeking care and their healthcare provider – and this imbalance creates vulnerability.

“As Health Ministers, it is imperative that we do everything we can to protect our patients, which is why our proposals delivered yesterday set out the bold national action needed to address these issues and prevent systemic failings,” Mr Rockliff said.

“I’m pleased that our proposals were supported by fellow Health Ministers, and we will now work closely with the Commonwealth and Ahpra to further develop and implement these actions as soon as practical.

“In Tasmania, we are already undertaking extensive reforms across our health system to better safeguard our children – including the establishment of a Complaints Management Oversight Unit that provides independent oversight and governance of complaint management by our hospitals and health services.

“I would like to thank the Commonwealth and Ahpra for their strong and fast engagement with us on this issue and their willingness to work with Tasmania to progress urgent change.”

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