Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

8 June 2022

, Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management

2022-23 Budget investing in 21 additional police officer to continue to keep Tasmanians safe

Tasmania is one of the safest places to live and raise a family because of the Tasmanian Liberal Government’s commitment to tackling crime and investing in our emergency services.

In the 2022-23 Budget we are investing in a further 21 additional police officers, meaning we are recruiting 329 new officers, a 31 per cent increase in policing numbers since we came to Government. This means Tasmania Police will have a record 1,449 police officers by July 2026.

Tasmania Police continues to actively recruit in line with these commitments from government.  In 2021 alone we had 70 additional police officers graduating across three recruit courses and taking up roles on the front line.

Currently, we have 64 police recruits, 28 women and 36 men, in the Academy, including 40 who started in April and will graduate on 25 November this year. This course includes 16 recruits as part of our new northern satellite course. There are also 24 recruits who commenced on 1 November last year and graduate on 17 June this year. The next Academy Recruit Course commences on 1 August 2022 and the aim is to have 26 recruits in this course.

Our new northern satellite course means that recruits from the north and north-west of Tasmania can complete their 31-week training in the north of the state, without moving to Hobart to train at the Rokeby Police Academy.

And once they complete their training, the northern-based recruits will be stationed in their home districts, so they won’t need to move across the state for the job.

The recruitment progress for Tasmania Police is impressive and will take the establishment to the highest number of police officers in history.

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