Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

21 July 2019

Elise Archer, Acting Treasurer

Tasmania the destination for business events and conferences

Business events continue to play a major role in Tasmania’s strong visitor economy, creating jobs and opportunities across the state.

More than 36,000 delegates attended business events and conferences in Tasmania last year, injecting almost $150 million into the economy.

Delegates attending business events tend to stay longer and spend more than other visitors, and impressively more than half return to visit Tasmania within the next three years.

In the next three months alone, more than 8,600 delegates will come to Tasmania for business events and conferences. This is a 30 per cent increase on the same time last year.

The Hodgman Liberal Government is working with Business Events Tasmania (BET) to continue to grow the sector, providing $1.2 million over the next four years for a new Business Events Attraction Fund.

This will allow BET to promote the state to national and international associations, corporate organisations and event planners.

The Hodgman Liberal Government is delivering on our plan to grow Tasmania’s visitor economy, by encouraging visitors to stay longer, spend more and travel further around our great state.

Please see Business Events Tasmania video

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