Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

7 September 2020

Roger Jaensch, Minister for Environment and Parks

Protecting our threatened species

Today marks National Threatened Species Day, which aims to raise awareness about how we can protect our ecosystems, native plants and animals at risk of extinction.

The Tasmanian Liberal Government has taken action in a wide range of areas since coming to Government to safeguard our threatened species and ensure their survival.

This includes our significant investment in the Save the Tasmanian Devil Program that is bolstering the wild population of Tasmanian Devils, and the Orange-bellied Parrot breeding program that saw one of its most successful breeding seasons in 2019-20 both in the wild and at the captive facility at Five Mile Beach.

We have also commenced a review of the Tasmanian Threatened Eagle Recovery Plan and DPIPWE will shortly be establishing a Threatened Eagle Conservation Planning Reference Group to provide input into the review. The Group will comprise Tasmanian eagle experts and representatives from the agricultural, energy and forestry sectors, as well as state government members.

We are continuing to work with all levels of government and with universities, wildlife parks and research institutions to identify potential new threats and respond appropriately.

Threatened Species Day is also an important opportunity to recognise and highlight the critical work volunteers, conservationists and researchers do to protect our environment and wildlife, and I thank them for their important efforts to safeguard our threatened species.

Tasmania’s unique environment is one of our greatest assets, and we are committed to protecting our threatened species to ensure their survival.

More Media Releases from Roger Jaensch

More Media Releases from the Minister for Environment and Parks