Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

12 September 2020

Mark Shelton, Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management

Preparing for the bushfire season with new tanker

The Tea Tree Fire Brigade will be better equipped to protect the community with the arrival of a new medium tanker as part of the Tasmanian Government’s plan to keep Tasmanians safe from the threat of bushfire.

This is the seventh of the 30 new medium tanker fire trucks for volunteer brigades that will be rolled out as part of a $6 million medium tanker replacement program.

The state-of-the-art trucks can be used in both urban (structure fire) and bush settings with safety features including radiant heat shields, personal protective fire blankets, in-cab pump operations, roof-mounted halo water spray system and GPS locater systems.

Importantly, the new truck was fabricated right here in Tasmania by our very skilled team at the Police, Fire and Emergency Services workshop at Cambridge.

Our firefighters do a tremendous job protecting Tasmanians from the threat of bushfires, and I would like to congratulate the incredible work they do each and every day to better prepare our communities.

Bushfires remain an ongoing threat but Tasmanians are safer thanks to the tireless efforts of the TFS, Parks and Wildlife Service, and Sustainable Timber Tasmania, and continued investment in technology and resources.

In addition, the Autumn 2020 fuel reduction burn season has been one of the most successful since the Government’s nation leading Fuel Reduction Program began, better preparing our state for bushfire risk this coming summer.

More Media Releases from Mark Shelton

More Media Releases from the Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Management