Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

29 January 2021

Michael Ferguson, Minister for Infrastructure and Transport

‘Love 40’ to keep our children safe

As schools return for another year, drivers are reminded to slow down to 40km/h or less in school zones and around school buses when the lights flash, to keep our kids safe.

The Road Safety Advisory Council’s ‘Love 40’ campaign reinforces to drivers that they must slow down in and around schools and school buses.

A love heart is featured in the campaign, replacing the red circle around regulatory speed limits, showing that slowing down protects the children we love.

In the five years from 2016 to 2020, 30 children aged between four and 15 years were injured in school zones in Tasmania as a result of coming into contact with vehicles.

As part of this year’s campaign, schools and parents are encouraged to promote the importance of road safety to their own networks. 

A Facebook frame has been developed, featuring the ‘Love 40’ heart, which schools and parents can use on their Facebook pages.

The link to using the frame has been provided to schools to promote on their own social media accounts.

Everyone is encouraged to share the ‘Love 40’ message with their friends and family this week to ensure we start the year the right way – sending our kids to school safely.

More Media Releases from Michael Ferguson

More Media Releases from the Minister for Infrastructure and Transport