Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

30 August 2019

Peter Gutwein, Treasurer

Reimagining our Treasury Buildings

The Hodgman majority Liberal Government has taken the view that there is an opportunity to reimagine the purpose of the Treasury Buildings complex for the benefit of all Tasmanians whilst enabling improved public access and enhancing the heritage aspects of these magnificent buildings.

As I have said, divestment takes many forms and the Government will consider proposals including, freehold interest with covenants to protect and conserve the buildings for future generations, as well as long-term leasehold of up to 99 years.

The community will through the website be able to provide feedback on the draft project objectives and their ideas on possible community and commercial future uses that would benefit Hobart as a growing 21st Century city.

From today, Registrations of Interest are being sought for the future use of our historic Treasury Buildings.

The ROI is the first step in the three stage public process to determine the best use of the buildings, with high quality, adaptive reuse, and to realise the best value for Tasmania.

Proposals must demonstrate tangible benefits to the community and maintain and conserve the site’s rich heritage.

Proponents have until 2 October 2019 to respond and register their interest.

More information is available on the website

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