Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

12 September 2019

Peter Gutwein, Minister for the Environment, Parks and Heritage

Parliament passes stricter penalties for illegal waste dumping

Today, the Parliament passed the Litter Amendment Bill 2018, significantly increasing penalties for illegal dumping, which reflect the seriousness of the offence and subsequent costs to the community.

The Hodgman majority Liberal Government is committed to protecting the Tasmanian way of life and the community rightly expects contemporary measures and appropriate penalties to deter littering and dumping.

The Bill also introduces a number of new offences focussing on larger-scale dumping that blights our environment.

Illegal dumping is a form of littering becoming all too common along our roadways and in quiet bush areas.

It spoils the appearance of our natural environment, impacts tourism and has adverse ecological effects on our waterways and wildlife.

Information concerning the illegal dumping of litter should be reported to the Litter Hotline on 1300 135 513 or at

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