Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

13 June 2020

Jane Howlett, Minister for Racing

O’Byrne racing for leadership

Unlike Labor’s David O’Byrne who is using the racing industry as a pawn to bolster his leadership ambitions, the Tasmanian Liberal Government will continue to provide actual support to the industry through the challenges of COVID-19.

Through TasRacing the Government has provided more than $3.8 million which directly assisted the industry and trainers through the restriction period when they needed it most.

Just yesterday we announced a 3 per cent increase to the prizemoney at a cost of $660,000 in the new financial year, giving industry participants confidence to invest in their racing animals across the codes of thoroughbreds, harness and greyhounds.

And, through the Point of Consumption Tax the Government will make $4 million per year available for the industry when the revenue is received.

David O’Byrne may be the first to jump in front of the cameras for a media opportunity, but he knows that Labor would not put additional funding into the racing industry to support them through their time of need.

That’s because Labor DON’T have a plan for Tasmania, they CAN’T even make a submission to the recovery council and they WON’T produce an alternative budget to outline how they would fund their empty promises.

While Labor Leader Rebecca White may not see Mr. O’Byrnes desperate leadership ambitions, the Government and industry know David’s empty promises are no more then a last ditch attempt to gain relevance in the spotlight.

Nobody has forgotten that David O’Byrne was part of the Labor Government that sold the TOTE, setting the industry back years.

More Media Releases from Jane Howlett

More Media Releases from the Minister for Racing