Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

11 February 2020

Guy Barnett, Minister for Resources

More mistruths from Bob Brown Foundation

Claims by the Bob Brown Foundation (BBF) that forest operations near the Pieman River in permanent timber production land ceased as a result of its protest actions are absolute rubbish.

The BBF merely took advantage of correspondence they received from Sustainable Timber Tasmania (STT) confirming harvesting activity had finished for the summer, after meeting customer requirements for product from site BO092C near the Pieman River.

In the communique, STT asked the BBF if they could leave the site so the company could undertake post-harvest timber recovery and rehabilitation work, which protects soil and water values prior to the forest workers leaving the site.

It is extraordinary the BBF would seek to deliberately hamper these important rehabilitation efforts from being done in a safe and efficient manner.

The protests against specialty timber harvesting reek of a political stunt, as it was Bob Brown himself who is on the public record supporting these operations*, in land agreed to be set aside by all political parties, including Labor and the Greens.

They are also putting an unnecessary strain on our hard working forestry workers, who are just trying to safely go about their job, as well as consuming unnecessary police and rescue resources with people deliberately placing themselves in irresponsibly dangerous situations.

Unlike Labor and the Greens who turned their back on forestry workers and their families, we are the strongest supporter of our forestry industry, which contributes some $1.2 billion to our economy and employs more than 5,700 people through direct and indirect jobs, many in regional areas.

Our forestry workers deserve to be able to go to work safely, without the threat and disruption of irresponsible, unsafe protest action.


* page 72

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