Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

12 June 2020

Elise Archer, Attorney-General and Minister for Justice

Legislative Council elections to safely proceed

The 2020 Legislative Council Elections for the divisions of Huon and Rosevears are an essential part of Tasmania’s democratic system.

Today, as the Attorney-General and Minister for Justice, I am pleased to announce that the Premier has recommended to the Governor to hold these elections on Saturday, 1 August 2020.

The Government has received advice from Public Health that, given current progress of the COVID-19 cases in Tasmania, there is no longer a significant risk to public health that would make it unsafe to hold the 2020 periodical elections.

We must of course be vigilant and the Tasmanian Electoral Commission (TEC) will be introducing measures such as strong social distancing and personal hygiene practices in accordance with Public Health requirements for all staff and voters at polling booths. This will include increasing distances between voting booths and provision of additional pencils and hand sanitiser. Voters will also be able to bring their own pencils if they wish.

Shortly, voters will be able to apply for a postal vote, should they wish. There will also be a pre-poll period to ensure people have a range of options in order to cast their important vote. Further information in this regard will be issued by the TEC.

The Tasmanian Electoral Commission and Public Health will continue to work together to ensure appropriate measures are in place so that polling booths and other election activities are safe for TEC staff and voters.

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