Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

2 May 2019

, Minister for Resources

Forest Practices Act passes lower house

There is no stronger supporter of Tasmania’s forestry industry than the Hodgman Liberal Government, and our support is being reflected in a growing industry.

A strong industry requires a strong regulatory system, and the amendments to the Forest Practices Act today will improve governance, administration, and clarify the intent of the Act.

I am pleased that the amendments to the Act, which passed the House of Assembly today, will result in further improvements to the efficiency and effectiveness of Tasmania’s world-leading forest management system.

These include provision for the recovery of unpaid or partially paid fees to the Forest Practices Authority (FPA), a widening of the scope of membership of the FPA, development of a Code of Conduct for Forest Practices Officers, and an ability to direct the rehabilitation and revegetation of land where the Act has been contravened (including the recovery of costs).

The amendments were developed in consultation with the industry, and I thank the Tasmanian Farmers and Graziers Association and the Forest Industries Association of Tasmania for their role in developing these important amendments.

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