Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

8 November 2018

Elise Archer, Minister for Corrections

Additional capacity at Risdon Prison Complex

A new $1.35 million 40-bed facility at the Ron Barwick Minimum Security Prison at Risdon Prison Complex has now opened further delivering on our Plan to keep Tasmanians safe.

Nine Tasmanian companies were contracted to complete the work alongside a small number of inmates who were involved in the demolition of old infrastructure, steel fabrication and painting the new facility.

The redeveloped unit will include housing for inmates with a disability and aged inmates, and includes a wheelchair lift for disabled access.

The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to investing in prison infrastructure, having committed a further $1.65 million in 2018-19 for additional work at the Ron Barwick Minimum Security Prison.

The commissioning comes less than a month after the opening of the $2.6 million Dr Vanessa Goodwin Cottages at the Mary Hutchinson Women’s Prison and is part of the Tasmanian Government’s plan to boost capacity within the Tasmania Prison System.

Tenders have also recently closed for a Design Consultant to develop and oversee the $79.3 million Southern Remand Centre and Risdon Prison Complex upgrade program.

Our plans to build a new $270 million prison in the State’s North, with 270 beds and the creation of more than 4000 direct and indirect jobs, is also progressing well.

While we make no apologies for being tough on serious crime, we also want offenders to get their lives back on track and become productive, law-abiding members of society who no longer pose a threat to community safety.

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