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Elise Archer MP, Minister for Workplace Safety and Consumer Affairs

Tasmanians’ priorities are our priorities, and the 2022-23 State Budget contains strong investments in our important cultural and creative industries, to ensure they can continue to grow and support local jobs across the State.

This includes supporting and securing the future of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG), as custodian of the State collection and a critical centre of education and discovery that tells unique Tasmanian stories, and connects arts, science, culture, and our environment.

TMAG is vital for our economy, and especially our visitor economy, and we are investing to future-proof TMAG with $1.3 million in additional funding across the Forward Estimates. This includes $100,000 towards the development of a TMAG strategic vision, to progress plans for a re-imagined cultural and arts facility, and support crucial partnerships with local Tasmanian communities as part of our commitment to TMAG’s future and sustainability.

Progressing the TMAG Vision and increasing operational support will ensure this important institution continues to play a vital role for research, culture and the arts, both now and into the future, with direct benefits for jobs and the State economy.

This commitment continues our record of delivering sustained and effective support to the arts, screen and cultural sectors in response to the challenges of COVID-19, through our comprehensive support package totalling almost $13 million since March 2020. This includes sustained support for live performance and events through our successful Live Performance Support Program, and a significant increase in funding for Tasmanian arts organisations, through a much-needed uplift of $1.2 million annually.

We continue to deliver on our Cultural and Creative Industries Recovery Strategy: 2020 and Beyond, aimed at creating opportunities and addressing the ongoing challenges of COVID-19 on our pathway to recovery. Over the next 12 months we remain focused on forging new international partnerships, promoting Tasmania as a film-friendly destination and continuing to support our critical arts sector.

I am particularly thrilled to be launching the reinvigorated Tasmanian Literary Awards, with additional funding of $90,000 provided in 2022-23 and 2024-25, providing direct support to Tasmanian writers through an expanded program of award categories that reflects the strength, depth and diversity of our Tasmanian literary community.