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Securing the future of women and girls in Tasmania

26 August 2021

Jane Howlett MP

Minister for Women

The Tasmanian Liberal Government is delivering further support to women and girls to ensure we create an inclusive Tasmania that empowers and enables them.

Women make up over half of Tasmania’s population, and as Minister for Women I’m extremely proud that our Government is working to ensure women and girls can fully participate in our economic, social, political and community life.

Many of the initiatives outlined in the 2021-22 Tasmanian Budget are about increasing opportunities for women in the workforce including those areas traditionally dominated by men. These commitments include:

  • $350,000 per annum over the next three years, to develop an industry-led approach to enable and empower more women, including in non-traditional areas, including the Supporting Women to Succeed grants program and developing a Modern Workplaces Framework resource to support safe workplaces for women;
  • Increasing the Women in Leadership Scholarship program from $50,000 per annum to $100,000 per annum and extending the program until 2024-25;
  • Increasing the International Women’s Day Small Grant Program to $20,000 per annum over the next four years;
  • $75,000 in 2021-22 to develop a Women in Building and Construction Strategy to raise awareness of career options for women within this sector; and
  • $25,000 in 2021-22 for a Girls in Property Pilot Program to be delivered in partnership with the Property Council.

These funding commitments will further enhance the actions set out in the Tasmanian Government’s Leadership and Participation for Women Action Plan 2021-23 and the Women on Boards Strategy 2020-25: Continuing our progress.

These commitments will help us increase opportunities for women in the workforce and leadership positions, promote and recognise the contribution of Tasmanian women, and ensure the impacts of COVID-19 on women are addressed.

Importantly, they will create meaningful change for women right across our community and economy.

As we continue to deliver against the priorities set out in the Tasmanian Women’s Strategy 2018-2021, all Government departments are taking action to support, set an example and empower women in Tasmania.