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Delivering financial security for the National Trust

26 August 2021

Roger Jaensch MP

Minister for Heritage

The 2021-22 Tasmanian Budget delivers on our commitment to support the ongoing operations of the National Trust (Tasmania) with an additional $300,000 to manage its portfolio of significant heritage properties across our State.

We recognise that the impacts of COVID-19 over the last 18 months have meant it has been a difficult time for organisations that rely on tourism, visitation and volunteers.

That’s why an additional $300,000 has been allocated in this Budget on top of the State Government’s current support for the organisation of more than $312,000 per year.

The National Trust relies on tourism and visitation as key business drivers and this is why it’s so important that we enable the Trust to recover from the impacts of COVID-19 and continue to facilitate strategic business transformation activities.

This additional funding effectively represents a doubling of support by the Tasmanian Liberal Government in 2021-22 and we will be working closely with the National Trust to facilitate the development of clear strategies and assist them further as they recover from the impacts of the pandemic.

I look forward to working with National Trust to achieve this and I’m pleased that the 2021-22 Tasmanian Budget will assist it to secure the future of its operations.