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Tackling Traffic Congestion in Hobart

25th May, 2017

Rene Hidding, Minister for Infrastructure

The Hodgman Liberal Government is Building Tasmania’s Future by ensuring we have the transport infrastructure we need for a growing economy and a growing population.

This Budget includes $1.8 million for our Hobart Traffic Congestion Project to fund initiatives aimed at making peak period traffic more reliable and efficient.

There is no single solution to peak period traffic congestion. Improved traffic flow will be gained by a range of measures implemented over time.

Measures will include the installation of a system to provide real-time traffic information for commuters, upgrading the co-ordination of traffic lights on key corridors and upgrading traffic signal systems.

The congestion project will deliver:

  • More efficient traffic flows on key arterials and through Hobart’s CBD, with more clearways, better enforcement of clearways and improved management procedures;
  • More reliable travel times with less variability in peak hour travel from day to day, allowing road users to better plan their journeys to meet their commitments;
  • Better information for road users on traffic conditions, enabling informed choices about when to travel, alleviating the frustration of being caught in traffic; and
  • More efficient public transport through bus priority measures within the CBD and on key arterial approaches.

The Liberal Government is committed to working with local councils and the community to put in place the right policies to respond to Hobart’s road infrastructure and transport challenges for the next 20 to 30 years.