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The Rockliff Liberal Government is building Tasmania’s future and taking targeted, careful, and considered action to reduce the cost of living burden on Tasmanians.

The 2023-24 Tasmanian Budget will provide over $392 million in cost of living support through concessions for eligible Tasmanians, this includes for electricity, water and sewerage bills, rates and transport.

Premier Jeremy Rockliff said the average pensioner will receive thousands in concessions, helping our most vulnerable ease cost of living pressures.

“We know cost of living pressures are impacting Tasmanian families and we are responding, with nearly $400 million in support to help our most vulnerable,” the Premier said.

“Our Government has a strong track record of providing targeted support to those in need, and this Budget invests to ensure this continues.

“Our investment will assist vulnerable Tasmanians with electricity, water and sewerage bills, rates and transport concessions – helping our most vulnerable

Specific investments include:

  • $216.1 million over the Budget and Forward Estimates for electricity concessions, which is in addition to the recently announced Energy Bill Relief Fund. This means that the total level of State funding for electricity bill relief is $261.5 million.
  • $88.9 million in rates remissions to assist eligible pensioners and other fixed or low income Tasmanians with their annual council rates bill;
  • $40.6 million in concessions to eligible customers to assist with their water and sewerage bill;
  • $18.1 million in taxi fare concessions and subsidies for eligible persons with permanent disabilities or medical conditions that significantly restrict their personal mobility;
  • Almost $1.4 million over the Budget and Forward Estimates to subsidise travel by pensioners on the Spirit of Tasmania;
  • Boosting and expanding the $50 million Energy Saver Loan Scheme to help households and small business to lower their power bills.
  • continuing our School Lunch Program that ensures more Tasmanian children have access to food each and every day at school;
  • Continuing our Ticket to Play initiative that is reducing the cost of sport and active recreation and keeping more Tasmanians participating in sport;
  • Investing over $7.5 million into the Private Rental Incentive Program to deliver more affordable rentals; and

Extending the First Home Owners Grant, the First Home Buyer and Pensioner Stamp duty concessions, and expanding the MyHome Shared Equity program.