Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

5 April 2017
Minister for Resources

Greens’ Fire Claims Alarmist and False

The Greens have been caught out yet again making alarmist but false claims regarding Tasmania’s forest industry.

Today, Greens MP Andrea Dawkins claimed in Parliament that a controlled burn by Forestry Tasmania had escaped into high conservation forests and was threatening Arthur River.

The truth is that the fire – while burning slightly outside the planned burn boundary – is entirely within the Permanent Timber Production Zone (PTPZ) land and is under control.

Forest in the PTPZ was agreed could be harvested by all parties in Parliament and yet the Greens now would have us believe it is high conservation.

Residents and shack owners of Arthur River would also be amused to hear of Ms Dawkins’ concern given the Greens had little to say when the town was actually threatened by a bushfire last year.

Forestry Tasmania advises that of the 12 regeneration burns conducted in the North-West yesterday, the one in coupe TE004P burnt an area about 20-30 metres wide and 300 metres long on the south-west boundary.

FT staff have been on site and the fire is not expected to spread further.

The Greens should be embarrassed for their latest attempt at scaremongering.

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