Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

16 July 2020

Jeremy Rockliff, Minister for Education and Training

Tasmania Welcomes JobTrainer Fund

The Tasmanian Government welcomes the Morrison Government’s $2 billion JobTrainer Fund to retrain and upskill Australians enabling them to gain employment in sectors with job opportunities.

The Tasmanian Government will match the $10.5 million investment from the Commonwealth, meaning a total of $21 million will be available to be invested into the state to support thousands of new low or no fee training places for job seekers and young people.

Training will be focused on skillsets and qualifications in areas of job growth, agreed by the Australian and Tasmanian Governments.

This program will complement initiatives Tasmania is already undertaking to assist people to retrain and gain skills as part of our recovery program.

Earlier this month, the Government hosted a successful Skills Roundtable with peak industry, business and union representatives to discuss the need for a collaborative approach to skills development in Tasmania.

An additional $6.3 million into our Rapid Response Skills program is delivering up to $3000 in training support for retrenched workers which can be used for career advice, to reskill or obtain any licences needed to get that next job, while Skill Up is enabling redundant and unemployed Tasmanians re-entering the workforce to quickly upskill, reskill or gain new skills through TasTAFE, with many courses at no cost.

The $16 million Energising Tasmania initiative will support fee free training for 2500 Tasmanians across a range of qualifications, while the Targeted Apprenticeship and Trainee Grants for Small Business program, Payroll Tax relief and Federal Apprentice Incentives means there has never been a better time to hire an apprentice.

As Tasmania recovers from the impacts of COVID-19, we know that we need a skilled workforce to rebuild our economy and roll out the $3.1 billion construction blitz.

The Tasmanian Government will continue to participate in the National Skills Reform and advocate for training directed at growing the skills needed for jobs in Tasmania.

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