Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

23 April 2020

Jeremy Rockliff, Minister for Mental Health and Wellbeing

St Johns Park application before council

Progress on a new mental health centre at St Johns Park is continuing, with the development application now before the Hobart City Council.

This centre will complement the redevelopment of the Peacock Centre, which is also underway.

This initial application for St Johns Park is to prepare the site for the construction of a community-based mental health centre, which will provide 15 short term acute beds and access to integrated support services in one location to help people on their recovery journey.

The proposed centre aims to reduce hospital admissions for Tasmanians living with mental illness and is also expected to reduce the likelihood of people needing readmission to hospital.

It will host drop-in and appointment-based care for the public, including individual and group support. The centre will also provide care and support to help people in their recovery, with a range of services including housing, alcohol and drug, social, and employment.

Importantly, the 15-bed wing will provide short-term stays for people who need extra care after a hospital stay.

The Tasmanian Government is committed to ensuring all Tasmanians get the right care, in the right place, at the right time.

Our $104 million plan includes a better integrated system, more focus on hospital avoidance and community-based care, and brand new facilities.

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