Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

23 August 2016

, Minister for Human Services

Rapid Rehousing program update

The Hodgman Liberal Government is committed to delivering a range of actions as part of our $26 million Family Violence Action Plan, including providing safe and affordable homes.

Moving into secure and supported housing is critical for those experiencing family violence, and that’s why we are investing in additional accommodation for those in need.

Our Safe Homes, Safe Families: Tasmania’s Family Violence Action Plan 2015-2020 will deliver $2 million to expand the provision of dedicated crisis accommodation for women and their children in the new, soon to be commenced 64-bed Hobart Women’s Shelter.

Further, we are committing $2.4 million to lease 50 rental properties that can be used by both women and men and their children escaping family violence as part of an initiative that builds on the successful New South Wales' Rapid Rehousing program.

The Rapid Rehousing Family Violence Program adds to the housing already provided such as crisis accommodation and other housing options delivered through Housing Connect.

While Labor has fought this program by voting against the Homes Act Amendment Bill, we have already seen 10 more families receive a roof over their head and the support they need.

Community housing providers have been progressively creating a pool of 50 homes and 10 families have moved in.

According to a Right to Information request that has now been made public, four Community Housing Providers are participating in the rapid rehousing program – these include Community Housing Limited, Housing Choices, The Salvation Army and Centacare Evolve.

Of these providers, Centacare Evolve have seven properties approved for use and Community Housing Ltd., three.

As of August 18, Centacare Evolve has received $70,000 under the program and Community Housing Ltd., $30,000.

As there are some misconceptions about potential tenants who are escaping family violence, I have written to the Real Estate Institute of Tasmania (REIT) to explain the program, its objectives and the opportunities for property owners to partner with the government to assist those escaping family violence.

Families escaping family violence make excellent tenants and welcome the opportunity to have a stable and safe environment.

The Rapid Rehousing Family Violence Program provides a great opportunity for property owners to help families impacted by violence, particularly women and children.

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