Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

6 November 2017

Elise Archer, Minister for Environment and Parks

New EPA board members appointed

The Hodgman Liberal Government is pleased to announce the new Environment Protection Authority (EPA) board for the next three year term will comprise of Warren Jones, Tony Ferrier, Professor Colin Buxton, Belinda Hazell and Amanda Locatelli.

Mr Jones was re-appointed for a second term as Chair and has served on the board from 2008 to 2011 in his capacity as the former Director.

The Deputy Chair Mr Ferrier and Professor Buxton were also re-appointed for a second consecutive term.

Mr Ferrier brings knowledge and experience in local government environmental management, and Professor Buxton provides expertise in a number of environmental disciplines.

Ms Hazell is new to the board and has been appointed as the member with industry environmental knowledge, while Ms Locatelli has been appointed as a deputy member if another member is unavailable.

The EPA Director Wes Ford remains on the board in his statutory position.

The board’s primary functions are to assess environmental impacts and determine appropriate operating conditions for the larger scale developments described in the Environmental Management and Pollution Control Act 1994 (EMPCA).

I’d like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing members - Catherine Murdoch, Harry Galea and Dr John McCambridge for their contribution to the board.

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