Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

25 August 2017

Jeremy Rockliff, Minister for Education and Training

Liberal Government extension schools plan helping students succeed

Every Tasmanian deserves to be able to achieve their full potential through education.

We have prioritised investing in education because it’s the pathway to a job and a good quality of life.

Students, such as here at Yolla High School, are staying at school longer because they are being provided a choice about where to complete their senior secondary education.

In our next term, a re-elected majority Hodgman Liberal Government will aim to increase the Year 12 retention rate to at or above the national average and significantly increase the number of students who are achieving their TCE.

Currently 56 per cent of Tasmanians complete their TCE, and while this is an improvement of around 10 per cent since 2012, we can do better.

As part of our Plan to Build Your Future, a re-elected majority Liberal Government has a target for 75 per cent of students completing school with their TCE by 2022.

We will also aim to increase the retention rate of students from Years 10 to 12 at or above the national average by 2022.  Currently our retention rate is 73 per cent, compared to the national average of around 80 per cent.

We are doing this because giving our students a better education gives them the best chance in life, and increases the likelihood of them finding a good job.

The Hodgman Government has already surpassed our first-term target of extension schools, with thirty schools already extended and another eight planned for next year.

By increasing retention rates and getting more students to complete Year 12 we can create a job ready generation of young Tasmanians and take Tasmania to the next level.

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