Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

18 August 2020

Jeremy Rockliff, Minister for Education and Training

Investing in Skills for Tasmanian jobs

While Labor is arguing for the Government to invest $10 million in free training, we are actually partnering with the Federal Government to deliver $21 million.

JobTrainer is expected to deliver up to seven thousand additional free or low cost training placements for Tasmanians across TasTAFE and private providers, in areas of jobs growth.

Unlike Labor we will not tie students to only one training provider.

By excluding private RTOs Labor would effectively be restricting the number of qualifications and placements that can be offered.

We want to deliver the maximum number of low cost or fee free placements for Tasmanians which means utilising both public and private providers.

Even PESRAC’s recommendation around providing free courses in response to COVID-19, references both TAFE and other training providers, which support the Government’s approach, not Labor’s.

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