Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

11 June 2015

, Minister for Human Services

Introducing a Fairer Assessment Model for Public Housing

The Hodgman Liberal Government believes that Tasmanians with the greatest, most urgent need for public housing should be helped first.

That’s why we are introducing a new, fairer Housing Assessment Prioritisation System (HAPS) to help Housing Connect prioritise those Tasmanian individuals and families in need of housing.

Under the new system, Housing Tasmania applicants will be assessed and classified as either Priority Housing or General Housing.

Where the old system used points and categories, HAPS assesses four key attributes – affordability, homelessness, safety, and health and mobility.

This is about ensuring that those who are homeless, who are at risk, or who have significant health and mobility issues are housed first.

As the State’s one-stop shop for Tasmanians’ housing needs, Housing Connect can now focus under this system on what the applicant needs rather than on working out what points should be allocated.

Housing Tasmania is one of five large housing organisations, with Housing Connect able to look at a range of options for applicants depending on their needs, not only public housing.

This means that while people are waiting for public housing, Housing Connect can assist with other options, such as short-term housing.

Current Housing Tasmania applicants will be informed over the next fortnight of the changes, and Housing Connect will reassess applications under the new system.

As under the old system, applicants are able to request a review of their assessment.

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