Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

29 May 2015

, Minister for Infrastructure

Hypocritical Labor at it again over unallocated infrastructure funds

Labor has been caught out over claims regarding unallocated infrastructure funds.

It’s good budget management to set aside infrastructure funds for unforeseen circumstances.

Labor knows that, because when they were in government, they themselves set aside unallocated infrastructure funds in each of their last four budgets.

They are either massive hypocrites or they just don’t understand how the budget works.


Labor's unallocated infrastructure investment:

  • 2010-11 Budget – $275 million
  • 2011-12 Budget – $101.1 million
  • 2012-13 Budget – $195.2 million
  • 2013-14 Budget – $85 million

2010-11 Budget - $275 million ($10 million in 2011-12, $105 million in 2012-13, $160 million in 2013-14) – “These funding provisions will be allocated to infrastructure investment projects that have met the requirements of the Structured Infrastructure Investment Review Process.” – 2010-11 Budget Papers

2011-12 Budget - $101.1 million ($31.4 million in $2012-13 million, $14.2 million in 2013-14, $55.5 million in 2014-15) – “In addition to the allocated infrastructure investment expenditure, the Government has set aside $101.1 million of capital provisions over the Forward Estimates period, which will be allocated to infrastructure investment projects that have met the requirements of the Structured Infrastructure Investment Review Process and provide capacity to meet cost variation and re-scheduling of projects.” – 2011-12 Budget Papers

2012-13 Budget - $195.2 million ($19.2 million in 2013-14, $25.5 million in 2014-15, $150.5 million in 2015-16) - “In addition to the allocated infrastructure investment expenditure, the Government has set aside $195.2 million of capital provisions over the Forward Estimates period, which will be allocated to infrastructure investment projects that have met the requirements of the Structured Infrastructure Investment Review Process and provide capacity to meet cost variation and re-scheduling of projects.” – 2012-13 Budget Papers

2013-14 Budget - $85 million ($35 million in 2015-16, $50 million in 2016-17) “In addition to the allocated infrastructure investment expenditure, the Government has set aside $85.0 million of capital provisions over the Forward Estimates period, which will be allocated to infrastructure investment projects that have met the requirements of the Structured Infrastructure Investment Review Process and also provide capacity to meet cost variation and re-scheduling of projects.” – 2013-14 Budget Papers

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