Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

30 July 2017

Michael Ferguson, Minister for Health

Final acts of generosity saving Tasmanian lives

It was an honour today to join young organ recipients, Amarli Allan (9 years old) and Bella Dyer (14 years old) and their families at the launch of DonateLife Week in Launceston.

The event marks the start of an important week-long community awareness campaign, which urges all Tasmanians to consider joining the Australian Organ Donor Register.

An organ donation can be the difference between life and death, and both Amarli and Bella are shining examples of the living difference that organ donation can make to someone facing an uncertain future.

Tasmania has the second highest rate of organ donor registration in the country at 47 per cent.  In the 12 months to 30 June 2017, 13 Tasmanian organ donors and their families generously provided lifesaving organs to 39 recipients waiting for a transplant.

This is fantastic news as every registration counts, but it is clear that more can be done to get the message out and encourage everyone over 16 to consider registering.

With registration now being easier and faster than ever before , I urge all Tasmanians to use their mobile device, tablet or computer to register at and potentially help others in need, just like young Amarlie and Bella.

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