Jeremy Rockliff

Premier of Tasmania

30 November 2018

Michael Ferguson, Leader of the House

Delivering on our Plan in 2018

The Hodgman Majority Liberal Government has delivered the most productive parliamentary election year since 2002 and the nation’s best performing economy in 2018.

Under the strong leadership of Premier Will Hodgman we have delivered on our first-year agenda, passed more than 50 pieces of important legislation, and created thousands more jobs to deliver record levels of employment in Tasmania.

We’ve invested record amounts in health and education, hired hundreds more health staff, more teachers and more police.

Meanwhile, the Labor-Green alliance has broken records of their own, voting together on a record 81 per cent of occasions in the House of Assembly. With this tally increasing from 62.5 per cent in 2015 and 75 per cent in 2016, the Labor-Green marriage is getting stronger every year.

The fact that this Labor Party votes in lock-step with the Greens who barely got 10% of the vote at the last election demonstrates how they have become so out of touch under Rebecca White.

Tasmanians want a Government that focuses on creating jobs, growing the economy and taking Tasmania to the next level. That’s what Will Hodgman and the Liberal Government have achieved since the election.

More Media Releases from Michael Ferguson